Cervantes Reminiscence | | Print | |
The Quixote’s Itinerary: Several chapters of the Quixote take place in these lagoons and their surroundings, being the cave of Montesinos the most famous story as well as the easiest one to remember. That is why Ruidera is the perfect place to enter into the itinerary of the Quixote, given its vicinity to several of these well-known places. Cueva de Medrano in Argamasilla de Alba, the place where Cervantes was in jail and also the location it is supposed he started the writing of his book, the site “of which its name I do not want to remember.” Cerro de los Molinos, in Campo de Criptena, the Markets in Puerto Lapice, the House of Dulcinea in Toboso, or the House of the Knight of the Green Coat in Infantes. |